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Work from home and Payroll Turkey


Do you know Payroll Turkey ? This is a new form of employment, based on a tripartite relationship: the consultant or salaried employee, the Payroll company that offers the latter a Payroll employment contract, and the client company.


We can consider Payroll Turkey as a form of employment halfway between employee and entrepreneur, which allows to cumulate the safety of the employee and the freedom of the entrepreneur.


Payroll Turkey, an alternative for homework?


Today, many professionals are looking for autonomy, as evidenced by the rise of work at home. This mode of operation offers significant advantages but needs to be organized: one must be able to impose schedules, to distinguish between personal and professional life, or to avoid loneliness.


To satisfy their need for autonomy, many workers start their own business. For this, some create a traditional business, others turn to self-entrepreneurship. Finally, some make the choice of wage portage, several reasons are the cause:


  • Security and benefits of employee status (pension contribution, social security cover, right to training, etc.).


  • Support of invoicing and administrative parts by the company of porterage with a percentage (10%) on the turnover.


  • Opportunity to test his activity serenely and use the Payroll as a stepping stone to entrepreneurship.


  • Development of the network thanks to the company of Payroll, which makes it possible to meet professionals, to surround oneself, and to avoid “the isolation” which face some professionals who made the choice of the work at home.


In essence, Payroll is adapted to teleworking activities. Payroll is a real legal “framework” for carrying out its missions by working from home. It makes it possible to supplement working time at home with working hours within companies or in co-working spaces if the porter wants to find a working community.


More informations on Payroll Turkey available on our Accounting Turkey website.


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